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About Us

What We Do



Services for Businesses


Click on images below to view videos

Forest World/ Greentree Hardwood Sealer


Jivamukti Yoga



What can video do for my business?
Video can not only deliver your message to a wide audience but it can also inspire more of that audience to purchase your product or service than any other form of advertising. With as many people watching video online as on TV there more opportunities than ever before to reach your audience and, in the case of Internet video, to reach them right at the time and place that they can make a purchase - while they’re at their computer surfing the web.

What kinds of videos can we produce?
If you can think of it, we can produce it. Whether you need a video to reach new audiences and increase sales or to communicate with people who are already a part of your business, we customize our approach so that you get a product that is sure to have the impact that you want with the people you want to reach.

Toot your own horn with a promotional video that shows what makes your product or service stand out from the crowd. Launch a new product or service with a documentary video that captures the production process or introduces the people who will be providing the services you offer. Educate your customers with an instructional video that accompanies your product samples and demonstrates your product in action. Allow your customers to have the last word with a testimonial video that features the stories of the people who love your products or services. Share your passion for your work with a news video that keeps your customers informed about what's going on in your world.

Where will people see my video?
Everywhere! On your web site, on their DVD player, on your retail distributor’s web site, in an email, on a kiosk screen at a brick-and-mortar location, through banner ads that you place on other web sites, and on your customer’s web and blog sites when they download it and share it with their personal on-line network.

Not only can your video be easily integrated into your website, it’s also designed to be widely and easily distributed beyond your website. And if you’re not all that comfortable with the technology, don’t worry; we can help to distribute your video so that it will have the greatest impact.

How does the process of producing a video work?
Every video tells a story and every story begins with an idea. Effective videos, like effective storytelling, have a logic and a structure. Our process begins by helping you to develop your idea and shape it so that it will be effective in reaching your target audience. Once we know precisely what story we’re telling and who we’re telling it to we begin production – shooting video and assembling other audio visual elements. Then we edit the material, review and revise it with you, and finally provide you with a finished video that tells your audience a story about themselves and their relationship to your company and your product or service.

Being based in both New York City and Washington, DC makes it easy for us to get to your East Coast location. And thanks to the wonder of Internet technology it doesn’t matter if you’re in Port Washington or Puerto Villarta: nearly all of our collaborative efforts once we’ve filmed can take place online.

How much does a video cost and how long does it take to produce?
Both video technology and Internet distribution make it faster and more cost effective than ever to produce a video that looks and sounds great. As part of an overall media strategy, we can repurpose and reconfigure the same video material for different audiences and tailor it to various platforms – meaning that with just a little bit of editing, you can use most of the same material for both a 30-second commercial-style video and a longer, more in-depth marketing piece.

We work closely with you from the very beginning to ensure that we understand your vision and that you get the benefit of our experience when it comes to matching the scope of your project to your budget. Call us to discuss the specifics of your project and budget and we will be happy to quote you a price.


Washington, DC - New York City | 202-290-3587 |